Federal Government
Pursuing Competitive Grants, Discretionary Funding and Low Interest Loans
The federal government is, by far, the world’s largest donor. It steers hundreds of billions of dollars each year to public and private initiatives. Yet, it is also a very large, complex, and seemingly impenetrable, bureaucracy. And competition is fierce! Keller Partners has an excellent track record of winning funding from federal agencies for our clients’ priorities.
Whether it’s grants, discretionary funding or loans, our preparation begins long before funding is even known to the public. And in some cases, we help to create the grant program for our clients.
As your partners, we will work with you and your team to develop your funding concept and request, draft the grant materials, prepare the language, target the right decision makers, conduct the meetings, mobilize the proper support, and assist with reporting and compliance issues.
What are your organization’s funding objectives at the federal level?
Securing Government Contracts and Procurement
Whether you operate a large or small business, if you are not engaging the federal government as a potential customer, you are missing out on a valuable opportunity and a potentially significant source of revenue.
The U.S. government is the world’s largest purchaser of goods and services from businesses of all sizes from nearly every sector. It spends nearly $375 billion annually on almost every category of commodity and service available. While large companies have many advantages in the government contracts and procurement process, small businesses are afforded preferential treatment in many respects. At least 25 percent (and growing) of the federal government’s contracting is awarded to small businesses. Additionally, prime and subprime contracting goals obligate the federal government to consider small businesses that are disabled veteran-owned, women-owned, economically disadvantaged and those located in HUBZones.
Keller Partners will help you properly position your small or large business to:
- Become eligible for doing business with the federal government;
- Secure federal contracts for your business products and solutions;
- Increase federal sales by strategically targeting federal program and purchasing opportunities;
- Create, target and access, procurement opportunities.
We have perfected a winning approach that combines our extensive firm-wide experience, our network of reliable working relationships, with our “boots-on-the-ground” approach to build solid support for our clients’ products throughout the federal decision-making chain.
Securing Regulatory Relief
If regulatory hurdles and administrative rules chip away at your bottom line and burden your organization, the professionals at Keller Partners can help. We have worked for years assisting nonprofit organizations, corporations, municipalities, and trade associations in achieving significant, and even historic, regulatory relief.
We help our clients succeed by working strategically and simultaneously with the Congress and the relevant federal agencies. We get the key decision-makers talking with each other. When necessary, we leverage the Congress’ constitutional “oversight” role to help achieve your relief objectives.
Conducting Advocacy and Crafting Policy
At the federal level, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right of every citizen "to petition the Government." Nowhere does it say that the experts can’t help you! Therefore, the policy and advocacy mission of Keller Partners is to strategically and vigorously petition the federal government on behalf of our clients.
The key to our success is our reputation, experience, strategic thinking and accurate implementation. We not only design the best strategy but we successfully implement it. We are proud of our clients’ policy and advocacy accomplishments, which have been as impressive and diverse as our clients themselves.
Utilizing the Congressional Appropriations and Authorization Processes
The U.S. Congress has the “the sole power of the federal purse,” but in 2011 Members of Congress suspended the process of directing “earmarks” to specific entities (also known as “congressionally directed spending”). Though the process has changed (for now), these same dollars are still continuing to flow to municipalities, medical facilities, educational institutions, and social service and faith-based organizations.
At the federal level, the Keller Partners’ approach is to pursue funding simultaneously from both the Congress and the Administration. On the legislative side, we work within the system to draft bill language for appropriators and authorizers that support our clients' funding requests. On the Executive Branch side, we work to secure funding through the competitive grants and discretionary processes, which can be bolstered by working through the Administration’s budget process.
Keller Partners effectively positions its clients to maximize their funding opportunities at all relevant levels.
Marketing Your Organization to Federal Government
If you are not marketing your organization to the federal government, you are missing a transformative opportunity for your organization’s mission. Demonstrating that your organization is a resource to the federal government will assure you a seat at the table where important decisions are made that could impact you.
In the competitive environment that exists at the national level, it is no longer an option for organizations that wish to grow to remain isolated from engaging with government entities that tax them, cost them, regulate them, and burden them with confusing or inconsistent policies.
Keller Partners understands, and our clients recognize, the numerous advantages and value that comes with gaining the support of the federal government. The benefits of a “stamp of approval” from the U.S. Congress or the White House can have a lasting positive impact.
Building Genuine and Valuable Relationships
Keller Partners believes: “It’s all about the relationship.” And like in any meaningful interaction, a good relationship is the key to moving forward and getting things done.
The inner workings of the Nation’s Capital are built on good relationships – much like a small community. Without strong relationships in this relatively small, but highly competitive, community it is impossible to achieve your objectives. Keller Partners utilizes the relationships its professionals have established over the past two decades to accomplish its clients’ goals across the government spectrum.
Being a Voice for Faith-Based Organizations and Religious Liberty
Did you know that there are 11 specifically dedicated “faith-based offices” in the federal government charged with helping faith-based organizations navigate the bureaucracy and partner with the federal government? It’s true! The reason is that no other sector does more to shoulder and facilitate the many programs of the federal government, both domestic and abroad, than faith-based nonprofits.
A common misperception is that faith-based organizations are prohibited from accepting federal funding or officially interacting with the government -- for fear of violating the Establishment Clause. In fact, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that essentially the government cannot discriminate against faith-based organizations in providing funding or services so long as faith-based entities do not proselytize on Uncle Sam’s dime.
The White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships offers an excellent opportunity for faith-based organizations to interact and partner with federal agencies including: the Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Labor, Department of Commerce, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Justice, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Being Your Organization’s “Washington Office”
Most sophisticated leaders know they cannot achieve results in Washington without being fully committed. You need a full-time presence. Yet, it is prohibitively expensive to establish and operate your own office in Washington. When you retain Keller Partners, you are hiring an entire team of senior professionals, “boots on the ground,” that will augment your own staff while being dedicated to representing your organization and its needs everyday in Washington.
Conducting a Resource Review and Analysis (RRA)
Keller Partners provides a formalized on-site comprehensive inventory of your organization’s strengths known as the Resource Review and Analysis (RRA). This is done in concert with your team during which we will identify your compelling priorities, relevant partnerships, key resources and helpful institutional strengths as they relate to your federal objectives. The RRA results in the development of an action plan with effective strategies for achieving your goals from the federal government.
Preparing Your Organization for its Coalition “Fly-Ins” to Washington
What if your association membership could get in front of top decision-makers in Washington, D.C. to promote and/or protect its interests? What if you could arrive at those meetings without getting lost? What if you could be organized and armed with the right strategies, appropriate messaging and talking points, and compelling leave-behind materials? What if you had dedicated staff in Washington to drive all of the follow-up work and to push hard to accomplish your goals after you’ve left town? YOU CAN!
Depending on your federal objectives, Keller Partners will:
- Arrange and attend substantive meetings with Members of Congress, their key staff, agency decision-makers, and committee members and staff – (that may even go beyond your organization's congressional or geographic footprint).
- Prepare all briefing materials and provide legislative staff support during all meetings.
- Prepare all leave-behind materials that promote your interests.
- Handle all follow-up work necessary to ensure that your interests remain a priority for Members of Congress and senior agency decision-makers.
- Request the opportunity to testify before the appropriate committee.